

Welcome to TouchTime® International

We are very excited to have you with us.  At no time before in history have we had the advantage of science showing us the valuable benefits and importance of touch and the destruction of human survival without it! The importance of our relationships are so vital, it contributes greatly to how our children learn about respect, compassion and tolerance. By integrating massage and touch into your daily life with your baby, you will be giving your baby a gift of a secure attachment right from the beginning of your relationship, fostering your baby’s health, happiness and serenity. The relationships you develop with your children are the first relationships they will have. Fostering a meaningful relationship will set the foundation and strengthen not only the bond between you and your child, but give them the tools needed to develop and maintain health relationships in the future.

Do you know the power of your touch?

Recent research shows that touch can reveal more emotions than words. To withhold touch from a human being can have lone-lasting effects that can lead to anxiety, depression or even death…

We are a nation of talkers, but did you know people communicate even more through touch?

The power of touch is real and has been scientifically shown to have remarkable effects…  Not only is touch the first sense that develops in the womb, but a baby’s first experiences with the outside world are through their sense of touch…

Do you know effective massage techniques for a healthier, happier more content child?

At the beginning, your baby may not want to have their head or face massaged. For many babies, this was the first part of the body that came into the world…

Do you know when the best time is to massage your baby?

Massage is individualistic to you and your child. For a massage, the optimum state for your baby to be in is the sate of "quiet alertness”… Growing the body – Growing the brain…  

The TouchTime® Motto

To be in the present with your child and in that moment of presence, you transcend time.

                TouchTime® International is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. Provider No: 451436-10 TouchTime® International is a board-approved continuing professional development provider by Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensers Board. Provider No: PDP 261